
University of Washington Press
July 2021
Although commonly associated with patriarchal oppression, arranged marriages have adapted over the centuries to changing cultural norms and the lived experiences of men and women. In Arranged Companions, historian Weijing Lu chronicles how marital behaviors during the early and High Qing (mid-seventeenth through mid-nineteenth centuries) were informed by rich and complex traditions and mediated by the historical conditions of the period, during which marital affection was celebrated as a basic ingredient of an ideal marriage.
Lu finds public representation and private communication of marital affection in personal records, including poetry, biographies, letters, and memoirs. During this unique historical moment, ideals of marital companionship and love came to fruition while social changes also created new tensions for couples and extended families. Offering surprising revelations about conjugal relations during this time of change, Arranged Companions raises provocative questions about the cultural construction of intimacy and the meaning of a “happy marriage.”
尽管通常与父权制度的压迫相关,联姻仍已适应了几个世纪以来变迁的文化规范与男女生活经验。卢苇菁《安排的伴侣:清代中国的婚姻与亲密关系》(Arranged Companions: Marriage and Intimacy in Qing China)以编年形式呈现清初至盛清(17世纪中叶至19世纪中叶)的婚姻行为如何考量丰富且复杂的传统,又如何在当时的历史条件下得到调解。
Weijing Lu (卢苇菁,加州大学圣地亚哥分校历史系副教授)
Weijing Lu is associate professor of history at the University of California, San Diego, and author of True to Her Word: The Faithful Maiden Cult in Late Imperial China.